Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Imogen's 2nd Birthday - a reflection.

There was a week in June 2009 that changed my life forever. It was the week that I found out I was pregnant, and not many people know it was also the week we received our medical requests from the Canadian Embassy! Fear of the un-kown and the massive change that was about to happen to us set in. We already had a wedding to plan, and now the final stages of our application were beginning. Could we do it, do we still want to go - how are we going to manage this with a child? when will we go? Should we still get married or wait or move it forward? What are we going to do about work?? and breath.....

There were many times we considered not making the move here, being away from family and friends with out a child is hard enough but now being so far away from our support network with a child is not a decision you take litghtly. We had spoken about it for so long. We wanted this for so long - every one was expecting this to happen - and now it is! We soon found our self asking - is this going to be a positive move for our child?

Today is Imogen's 2nds Birthday - Is this move a positive one for Imogen? The answer is not conclusive - not being able to share in the day in its wholeness with our family and friends in the UK is a sacrifice we knew we were making when we made the decision to move here. It was a hard one. But I know we make up for it as much as we can by skyping often - making sure she knows who her family are by talking about them all the time, showing pictures and being involved in their special events in what ever way we can.

So after having many of my friends and their children around to celebrate I am sat here reflecting on our decision to move here. The photo's you see and the activities I write about in my blog are only part of the picture. There are the appointments you need to make and then to find some one to look after Imogen, the crisis days when you want to go round your good friends for a brew and a talk to get it all out.  Missing the big and small birthdays, births, marriages and not being able to physically comfort those close to you in times of sadness are all things we miss.

But here we are - 2 years and 9months after that life changing week - I am sat writing this as Mrs Gray in our home in Canada after a party to celebrate our daughters second birthday. I am so happy we moved here - yet so sad to leave our UK life behind us. Was it right - I don't know- but I believe it was wrong to not even try.